Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13, 2013, Yellow Key Color Study

This might be it for my key color studies.

I feel good about what I have accomplished with the six main colors. I've done blue, purple and green recently along with yellow (today). I did red and orange last year but didn't identify them as key color studies.

To complete Yellow Key Color Study I decided to take the complimentary - violet (instead of purple this time) and the other two primary colors - blue and red - to help balance the painting. Because this is a key color study of yellow the other pure colors are mixed in with yellow and not often will you ever see me using a pure color unless I feel it hits the spot just right. I ran out of Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue halfway through and had only tubes of Primary Yellow (which I planned to change to because I think Cadmium feels too orange).

Feels a little too orange doesn't it? Yellow when used with other colors doesn't maintain it's hue too well. It's like working with white - whatever color you mix in it, even in very small amounts, it becomes that color.

Color palette included:
Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue
Primary Yellow
Primary Blue
Deep Violet
Naphthol Crimson
Titanium White
Mars Black

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

January 13, 2014, Yellow Key Color Study (18x24)

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