Sunday, January 26, 2014

Black Key Color Study

Friday night I began work on a Black Key Color Study using blue, green and violet as the colors I would mix black with - my key focus color. About an hour into painting I realized a minor problem. No matter how much color I loaded up my brushes with I wasn't getting very good coverage. What I mean is when I made a brush stroke, whether my intention was to completely cover over the surface or another color - replacing it completely with the new color - it didn't work very well. It was if I was painting on the back, unprimed surface of a canvas. So guess what... I was painting on the back, unprimed surface of the canvas pad.

I considered starting over with a new canvas pad or maybe even flipping the canvas pad over to the correct side and starting over. Instead I decided to continue the wrong side (ala Francis Bacon) and finish what I started.

So here it is. Pretty bad. Couldn't really do any better.

Color palette included:
Primary Blue
Deep Violet
Phthalocyanine Green
Titanium White
Mars Black

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

Black Key Color Study, January 24, 2014 (18x24)

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