Friday, February 14, 2014

February 7, White Study

I've been preoccupied with my job search (not going so well but I'm not giving up).

Evenings, when I do my painting, I'm very discouraged about my career outlook so I don't paint. I've gotten too "down" about these things. I'm thinking and worrying too much and it needs to stop! Late in posting this study from last week. I've gotten lax in my painting and posting. Time to stop this.

Decided to do more work with just white. Didn't turn out too well so I won't say much more.

Color palette included:
Titanium White
Mars Black
Primary Blue
Deep Violet
Phthalocyanine Green
Naphthol Crimson
Primary Yellow
Cadmium Orange Hue

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

White Study - 2, February 7, 2014 (18x24)

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