Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blue Complimentary-Analogous Study - 2 - Video

My first video of my painting process done with Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone in recording mode. The painting is a study of color theory taking blue and the analogous colors across from it on the color wheel and exploring how they work together - and working abstractly is a great way to focus on the colors.

As I work on my studies I find I sometimes over-work the image and lose good stopping points when the painting isn't finished but it has come as far as I should take it. Being able to see a video of the painting process may help me to identify better where it all goes wrong and I lose the work I did. However, I'm not one to give up on an image. I have many images waiting for me to salvage them and a few I actually did save. Some however are beyond saving and end up in the trash (dramatic music playing in the background).

I had some problems setting up the smartphone in a jury-rigged Dynex mobile device mount. The mount was loosely clamped to a wood yard stick spanning two travel totes - which straddled the painting. Every time I moved, got up or breathed it shook. Anyway, this is my first time and I'll try to get it right next time.

I have to figure out something better.

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