Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Black Study

I did this earlier this month, but can't remember the date so I'll date it as February 2014 and leave it at that. I know it isn't a successful attempt, but I promised myself I'd put everything I've done up - whether it is good or not. After all I'm not trying to make a living at this. I'm just exploring painting.

There were points in the painting that showed promise, that showed I was taking the right direction. Sometimes I think I should use the recording feature of my phone and do videos of the paintings as I progress so we can see how my process progresses. Perhaps I will do that.

Color palette included:
Mars Black
Primary Yellow
Cadmium Orange Hue
Naphthol Crimson
Primary Blue
Deep Violet
Phthalocyanine Green
Titanium White

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

Black Study, February 2014 (18x24)

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