Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blue Complimentary-Analogous Study - 2

I wanted to do a painting and a video of my process. I'll put the video in my next post from YouTube.

I start with the canvas pad flat on a table. As I go where I feel the paint is too wet or I want to get a look at it from another angle I'll pick it up and view it in a mirror so I can see the reverse. Reversing the image helps to identify problems with colors - sometimes a color is spread too thin, is too bright, too dark, too... something... Reversing the image also helps to identify balance issues. When I first started out studying painting in college many years ago an instructor showed the class a trick to see balance issues. He said we should look at our painting in a large mirror. The reverse image we'd see would show if the subject we were painting was tilting - and there I saw it. Many of my paintings of nudes, still-lifes and landscapes were tilting all the same way.

So now a part of my process is to pick the painting up and look at it in a large mirror to help me prevent the tilting. And every once in a while when I read a favorite art magazine I'll see an artist who obviously doesn't do this. Their loss.

Color palette included:
Primary Blue
Primary Yellow
Cadmium Orange Hue
Naphthol Crimson
Titanium White
Mars Black

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

Blue Analogous Study - 2, February 26, 2014 (18x24)

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