Saturday, May 3, 2014

Green Split Complimentary study - unfinished

For the second day in a row I was unable to bring a study I was working on to a satisfying conclusion. I got started late into the evening - 8 pm both nights - and stopped working at 10 pm. Two hours just won't cut it. Some times I'm focused and the process develops quickly - I have good paintings done in one hour - but most of the time I need the four hours I prefer to spend painting to get close to an acceptable conclusion. This evening I studied green with violet-red and orange red as the split complimentary colors.

Color palette included:
Phthalocyanine Green
Titanium White
Mars Black
Naphthol Crimson
Cadmium Orange Hue
Deep Violet

All photos are Liquitex Acrylic paint shot with a Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone.

Green Split Complimentary study - May 2, 2014 (18x24)

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